
Blank Character Sheet

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100 Q&A Character Sheet

1  Owner/RPer's Name:
2  Gender:
3  Birthday or Age:
4  Years RPing:
5  Literacy:
6  Experience With:
7  RP Style:
8  Fave Anime/Show:
9  Fave Game:
10 Fave Color:
11 Social Stereotype - optional(i.e.: punk, goth, computer geek):
12 Hometown:
13 Current Residence:
14 Romance, Yuri or Yaoi okay?:
15 Genre Preference:
16 Alternate Universe okay?:
17 Where Do You RP?(IMs, etc.):
18 How/When to Contact You:
19 Other Rules/Preferences:

Answer the following about your character, not you. Where it says "You" it is refering to your character.
20 Name:
21 Nicknames/Alias:
22 Character Type(original, fan chara, or other[include details]):
23 Gender:
24 D.O.B.:
25 Age:
26 Birthplace:
27 Residence:
28 Marital Status:
29 Height:
30 Weight:
31 Ethnicity/Race/Species:
32 Eye Color:
33 Hair Color:
34 Blood Type:
35 Occupation:
36 Did You Graduate High School?:
37 Highest College Level:
38 IQ:
39 Social Class(anarchist, royalty, military, average joe etc):
40 Economic Class (upper, middle, lower):
41 Alignment(hero, good, neutral, dark/evil/villan):
42 Aspirations/Dreams:
43 Fears:
44 Abilities/Attacks:
45 Special Abilities/Attacks:
46 Talents:
47 Weakness:
48 Hobbies:
50 Dislikes:
51 Friends:
52 Known Family:
53 Rivals:
54 Enemies:
55 Sexual Orientation:
56 Zodiac:
57 Chinese Zodiac:
58 Birthstone:
59 Element:
60 Season:
61 Social Stereotype - optional:
62 Silver, Gold, Copper, Bronze, or Platnum:
63 Fave Color:
64 Fave Music/Genre of Music:
65 Fave Movie:
66 Fave Game(electronic or not):
67 Fave Series(books, show, anime, comic):
68 Fave Artist:
69 Fave Place to Visit:
70 Fave Cuisine:
71 Fave Food:
72 Fave Non-Alcoholic Drink:
73 Coffee, Tea, or Both? What kind?:
74 Chocolate, Strawberry, or Vanilla:
75 Pizza Toppings:
76 Weirdest Thing You Eat:
77 Fur Color(if applicable):
78 Hairstyle:
79 Nose Type(& Color, if applicable):
80 Ears(if applicable):
81 Tail(if applicable):
82 Other Features:
83 Any Tattoos? What Kind?:
84 How Many Peircings? What Kind?:
85 Any Scars/Birthmarks?:
86 Attire:
87 Items/Weapons:
88 Vehicle:
89 Clean/Messy/In-Between:
90 Do You Drink? What Kind?:
91 Do You Use Tobacco? What Kind?:
92 Do You Use Drugs? What Kind?:
93 Religion - optional:
94 Are You Looking for a Home/Roommate? Describe Your Ideal Situation:
95 An Acquaintance/Your Roommate Goes Missing. What Do You Do?:
96 Can/Do You Cook? How Well?:
97 Theme Song:
98 What Do Others Like Most About You?:
99 What Do You Like Most About Yourself?:
100: Back Story:
This blank form is what I want you to fill out AFTER we decide who will play which character in the first RP.

For Official Sonic characters, please answer to the best of your ability on things such as Fave foods and Fave music, etc..

Additionally, for those of you who are not in Sonic-RP, this is to fill out for your role-playing characters/story charas. I highly encourage this, as you will be able to develop them better.
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mariajogato1996's avatar
¡Even Though I'm Not In Sonic-RP,This Character Sheet Will Serve For All My Au Characters¡DeviantArt